Henry Miles

Henry is a seasoned fitness professional from the picturesque town of Swakopmund in Namibia, situated along the west coast of Southern Africa near the Angolan border. His fitness journey began with a remarkable aptitude for swimming, propelling him into 16 years of rigorous training and international competition. Henry’s dedication led him to try out for the South African Olympic Team in 1992 and 1996. After retirement, he took a hiatus from training, experiencing weight gain that prompted a transformative decision. Weighing in at around 315 lbs, he embarked on a remarkable journey which reignited his passion for swimming and conquering open water challenges.

During his high school years, Henry swam for the South African national team and traveled abroad for various competitions. After graduation, he dialed in on his training and tried out for the South African Olympic Team. He later voyaged to the United States for more education and studied his Associates in Christian Ministry. Through his ministry to others at his local gym, Henry has connected with many passionate athletes on their swimming techniques and stroke. He is regularly rediscovering how to optimize performance for different styles of athletic training which has led him to balance strength and endurance. Henry brings extensive experience and relatability to the team of elite coaches at WHITFITNESS.

Henry is currently devoted to the Hybrid Athletic approach, balancing bodybuilding and endurance performance. He sustains his peak physical condition by weight training regularly paired with extensive swimming and mountain biking. Feeding his competitive nature, Henry jockeys for position in Marathons, Spartan Races, Triathlons, and Mountain Biking races. He also proudly holds the mantle for having swam over 3,500 miles since his weight loss journey. As he presses on, Henry remains consistent in his passion for training strength and endurance, proving to all that such a balanced approach promotes health and wellness. He proudly holds the title of Hybrid Athlete as he connects with athletes across the world.